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The Roar of Chainsaws Can Be Heard

08/04/2016, 4:00pm CDT

The sound of chainsaws, fresh aroma of sawdust, and pine filled the air on Beach Haven and Pine Haven road on the south west end of Long Lake outside of Park Rapids. Neighbors along the area were helping each other clear trees that fell every direction. Most snapped but some even appeared twisted according to a person who clears trees for a living. Individuals from Illinois didn't get the EAS alert as they don't have a weather radio. A new utility shed had a large tree leaning over it and broke through the roof.  Neighbors were  trying to figure out how they are going to remove this massive tree which came down due to uprooting.   Most damage appeared to be to deciduous trees where the wind probably got caught up in the foliage and snapped them right off onto anything that lay below including houses, cabins, boats and cars. Utilities were still out clearing trees to open roads up late this afternoon and trees still laid over power lines in some spots. With the ground being so saturated from all the rain, trees are being uprooted. Comments coming from people this's become a full-time job clearing trees after all the storms this year. 

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