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12,369 Unbelted motorists ticketed during Click It or Ticket

06/11/2012, 2:06pm CDT

The statewide Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement campaign, May 21- June 3, resulted in 12,639 motorists cited for not wearing seat belts, according to results from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Campaign results were reported by 313 agencies. An additional 301 citations were issued for child passenger safety seat violations, including for booster seats. Booster seats are the law for children who have outgrown a forward-facing restraint, for use until age 8 or 4 feet 9 inches tall, whichever comes first. “We conduct these publicized campaigns to increase belt compliance with the goal to limit preventable deaths and injuries,” says Donna Berger, director of the DPS Office of Traffic Safety. “Buckling up is the simplest, most effective precaution motorists have to stay safe on the road.” Minnesota’s primary seat belt law requires passengers in all seating positions, including the back seat, to be buckled up or seated in the correct child restraint. Officers will stop and ticket unbelted drivers or passengers. Seat belts must be worn correctly- low and snug across the hips; shoulder straps should never be tucked under an arm or behind the back.

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