Public Health in Todd County is promoting and expanding the use of the Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine otherwise known as Tdap. This is in response to a growing number of Pertussis, known as “whooping cough” cases clustering in a number of communities throughout Minnesota including Greater Minnesota and the Twin Cities metropolitan area. There were 670 Pertussis cases reported as of mid-May of this year. It is expected, without increased health care provider intervention, to exceed 1,000 cases this year. It is estimated only 70% of Minnesota children have been vaccinated with Tdap and it is felt the number for adults receiving this vaccine is much lower. Pertussis cases are occurring in all age groups. The average age is 14 years with a median age of 11 years. Outbreaks of Pertussis are also occurring in middle schools. This is a concern, as these cases serve as a source of respiratory infection for others in the community including infants who are not yet fully protected, those whose immune systems are compromised and for whom the disease proves to be more serious. One dose of Tdap is indicated for all adolescents and adults. The vaccination of caregivers for infants is especially important. Tdap may be given during the late second or third trimester of pregnancy. Please contact your physician clinic or Todd County Health and Human Services at (320) 732-4440 if you have questions about Tdap, or if you need a Tdap vaccination.
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